
Time to vent again...

     So today I went to iTunes to download some movies that were on sale this week and on a whim I decided to see if Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 was on sale or not.  IT WASN"T EVEN LISTED!!!!  Warner Brothers has removed most of the Harry Potter films from iTunes to support their push to Ultraviolet.  ARGH! It really angers me when companies decided for the consumer what format a film will be in.  If they want all of their films on the Ultraviolet format that's fine, but at least consider the customer first.  Most customers (like me) want media (film, music, etc...) in a certain format that works with our devices.  The iTunes format for digital content has been around the longest, therefore those of us who own a lot of content from that system would like any new content also in the same system.  One system, one place for storage and one place for the library.  By removing their content from iTunes, Warner Brothers is making the customer buy into its system but it isn't allowing transfer of previously purchased items into that same system.  For example, if I buy a song from Amazon, I can put it into Amazon's cloud player or I can put it into my iTunes library where every other song I own is stored.  This makes sense.  Amazon is allowing me to buy their content but I don't have to use their system if I don't want to.  When it comes to films and TV shows it seems that no one wants to play nice with the customer.  iTunes, Amazon and Ultraviolet all make you use their systems to use their content.  You can't buy it once and use it on any system you want.  Granted, a lot of these companies offer apps to be able to use their content on whatever device you have, but then you have content all over the place on your device.  On my iPad I have movies and TV shows from iTunes in the "Movies" app (which includes all the Harry Potter films except for the last one) and my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is in the "Flixster" app.  Amazon doesn't even have a movie/TV app for the iPad so with them I'm out of luck which is why I can't purchase movies from them but at least I'm not forced to like with Ultraviolet.  It was the only option when I bought the DVD/Blu-ray pack.  If they would allow users the ability to buy a digital film or TV show and use it in any library/app they wish I wouldn't mind the different formats.  But as it is, it just makes me frustrated. ARGH! That is all for today, thanks for letting me vent!


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