
Star Wars Blu-Ray

So I finally received my Star Wars Blu-Ray set from Amazon the other day and wow, the film quality is amazing.  A lot of bad things have been said about this set before it was released due to George Lucas's tweaking as well as the absence of the original 3 films in their untouched format.  I however purchased it anyways for both the extensive special features as well as then 6.1 sound upgrade.  I have not been disappointed.  Watching the original Star Wars (Episode IV), the transfer is so detailed that I was able to see the dirt and scratches on R2D2's dome.  The sound of Darth Vader choking the man in the conference room of the Death Star is a sound entity in and of itself, WOW!  While I'm not a fan of most of George's additions to the original trilogy, it is nice to see the scenes he didn't change in such pristine condition.  I still have my VHS editions of the "as seen in theater" versions of this trilogy if I feel the need to relive the joy of the past.  The new trilogy (Episodes I-III) doesn't have many changes although it still looks and sounds amazing on Blu-Ray.  The 3 Blu-Ray's full of extras, especially the documentaries are a nice treat for those of us who have already watched all of the extras from the DVD collections and are looking for more insider information.


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