
Star Wars vs Avatar

So, I saw an MSNBC article today that had me upset. It was titled ‘Avatar’ surpasses ‘Star Wars’ at No. 3 all-time. I haven't actually seen Avatar yet but I know I will eventually. However, I also know that I don't want it surpassing Star Wars. That disturbs me. I have a lot of film student friends and those that have seen Avatar say the 3D effects are amazing but that the story isn't all that wonderful. Also, is this a film that will completely change the way films are made? Maybe in terms of 3D but what about the film business itself? There wasn't a summer blockbuster film until Star Wars created the trend. Star Wars completely changed how studios made films and marketed them. Merchandising as we know it today was formed because of Star Wars. With the ticket prices as high as they are right now, a lot of films are now making the list that if ticket prices were less, would not. Luckily for me (as I am a huge Star Wars fan - I know, big shocker), the article later says that not counting ticket prices, just using number of tickets sold, Star Wars is still way ahead of Avatar. That is the only way films should be judged anyways. Inflation changes ticket prices every year and will continue to do so. Therefore the only scientific way to judge the popularity of a film is how many people went to see it.


Tracy said...

Hi Friend!

As soon as I saw your blog address, I knew who you were! Well, that, combined with your knowlege of my propensity to leave piles of clothes on my floor. HA! I guess old habits die hard!

I hope you're doing well! So glad you've started your blog...I've got ya bookmarked!

Aliaschick said...

I was wondering if you would guess that it was me with the clothes on the floor comment. I thought about putting my real name on there but wanted to see if you could figure it out. Thanks for the support my friend! Love ya!

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