The Good:
- You can now download the movies and TV episodes to your computer for offline viewing which was not possible before.
- More movies are now available on the platform
- To get more users, the companies are offering a lot of free movies when you sign up - Sign up with every company and get up to 35 movies free.
- VUDU (run by Walmart) lets you put DVD's you own into your computer and pay $2 each to have them converted to the cloud. It is so easy and takes no time to do, it's legal and if you are like me and own tons of DVD's you don't have to spend a fortune to re-buy all of your movies in the cloud. Best Buy's CinemaNow also has this feature and Flixster has it in beta.
- This is a legal way to have your movies in the cloud without torrenting which I don't believe is right
The Bad:
- Every company makes you sign up for your own account with them plus you have to have an ultraviolet account. So each time you sign in, you sign in twice. Pain in the butt!
- There are 5-6 different companies that you can sign up for to use this service and each company has different movies in their library that you are allowed to watch. Even though the movies you bought are ultraviolet compatible, you can't watch them all with every service. This means you have to have multiple apps on your computer to view all of your ultraviolet purchases. Another pain in the butt!
- Copy Protection, UGH!
Now to iTunes...
I really like the ease of the format and purchasing. However, it still isn't perfect.
The Good:
- You only need one account and everything is stored in the same app.
- I can download purchases to view offline
- This is a legal way to have your movies in the cloud without torrenting which I don't believe is right
The Bad:
- Certain companies that put digital copies in their Bluray's and DVD's don't give you a copy to store in the cloud for iTunes. So you have a digital copy but it only works for UV compatible systems so in reality you have to use both systems.
- Copy Protection, UGH!